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National Grid - Organisation Design

National Grid: Organisation Design
Client National Grid
Region UK
Sector Energy and Utilities
Offering Organisation Design, Sustainability

The Challenge

  • The energy industry is facing enormous change: increased customer and cost focus, an evolving regulatory landscape and demands from government stakeholders, striving to achieve net zero, and the proliferation of new digital tools
  • To operate effectively, it was imperative that the National Grid had an efficient, lean and adaptable operating model, underpinned by customer-centric, flexible processes, and a streamlined organisational design
  • Faced with a new regulatory deal with significantly reduced allocations, the National Grid asked Q5 to create this future-proofed organisation so that they could meet the requirements of Ofgem and the needs of their customers.

Our Approach

  • We worked across the organisation’s core UK business units, and employed our Air Traffic Control team to maintain consistency and communications across the workstreams
  • Reimagined their core processes, redesigning how the work would be carried out in a future state enabled by technology, standardisation and simplification
  • Facilitated workshops to validate the current activities and define the future state activities required to fulfill regulatory requirements – including where activities would be best placed in the future organisation
  • Worked through a highly complex merging of the two largest business units
  • Undertook a high level and then detailed design process to create a target state op-model and the detailed organisational structure underpinning it
  • Identified key decision points and interfaces in the future processes
  • Conducted impact assessments of the detailed design and process design to identify future capability demands and culture/behavioural changes

Key Outcomes

  • A redefined Operating Model, with clear accountabilities and lower cost profile
  • The integration of the two largest business units to develop a single, coherent, electricity business
  • A complete detailed design of the UK organisation, supporting end to end accountability of their delivery
  • Refreshed processes across the key business units that integrated the digital tools and standardise processes to support the organisation in the future
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