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NHS England and Improvement Energy Strategy

NHS England and Improvement – Energy Strategy
Client NHS England and Improvement – Energy Strategy
Region UK
Sector Public Sector, Health and Not For Profit
Offering Sustainability

The Challenge

In recent years, the public and many organisations have become increasingly aware of the potential threat that climate change poses and the need for sustainable sources of energy. With this being an issue of public health, the NHS strives to be at the forefront of efficient energy use. NHS organisations need to adapt and develop many of their existing systems and infrastructure, in order to remove any reliance on fossil fuels and support the green economy.

In order to develop the efficiency and sustainability of energy use across the NHS, NHS England asked Q5 to support the development of a ten-year strategy that would reflect the NHS’ ambition while outlining the interventions required to improve the use of energy by all NHS organisations.

Our Approach

We worked alongside senior stakeholders from the NHS England and Improvement team to:

  • Create a vision for the use of energy within the NHS that reflects the desire to eliminate the use of fossil fuels and support the renewable energy industry
  • Define the key areas requiring interventions to improve how the NHS measures, produces, procures and consumes its energy, identifying the measures of success which would demonstrate the effectiveness of these interventions
  • Develop a series of key actions and KPIs within each intervention area which would deliver the desired improvements and efficiencies
  • Engage with Energy Managers and Directors of Estates from a number of NHS organisations to test and develop the action plan for the strategy, ensuring it would be powerful and effective for everyone working in the NHS

Key Outcomes

  • NHS England and Improvements vision and strategic objectives for improving its future energy use were clearly defined.
  • An implementation plan was developed that detailed the critical actions to be delivered over the first three years of the strategy.
  • A series of immediate key actions were identified that worked towards NHS England’s vision and strategic objectives for energy use.
  • Targets were introduced to increase the percentage of NHS energy coming from onsite produced renewable energy to 5%.
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