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Australian News Broadcaster

The client is a national broadcaster for Australia, employing 5,500 employees and operating as a public service broadcaster,  providing television, radio, and online media content.

Australian News Broadcaster – volumetrics
Client Australian News Broadcaster
Region Australia
Sector Media, Entertainment and Technology
Offering Organisational analytics
Analytics Volumetrics

The Challenge

The client recognised that their support services, such as recruitment, were causing significant issues for employees and hampering productivity.

To address this, the client aimed to enhance the delivery of these services to streamline operations, improve user experience, and unlock financial benefits. They began this transformation by deeply understanding the challenges faced by their frontline staff to inform future solutions.

Our Approach

We took a bottom-up approach, working closely with the Transformation Office and sponsored by the CFO, engaging 37 cross-divisional business representatives to gather quantitative and qualitative data. Two phases comprised the 10 weeks of work:


Phase 1 – Assess the current state

  • The ‘art’ – qualitative analysis: conducted interviews and workshops with business reps. to map how processes work today, and more broadly understand the challenges they face across the organisation
  • The ‘science’ – quantitative analysis: (1) used surveys to understand what activity is done today by support roles, (2) undertook an organisation analysis with headcount data to map where support roles sat and (3) analysed service usage data to prioritise the services for future design with the greatest volume

Phase 2 – Align on and agree future ambition

  • Held workshops to define ambition, testing opportunities against value and feasibility to execute
  • Calculated size of opportunities: combined service usage, activity analysis and headcount data to determine financial, operational, user and workforce benefits for prioritised opportunities
  • Created and presented a deck with strategic recommendations to a Steerco consisting of the MD, CFO and CPO.

Key Outcomes

  • Annotated process maps: Mapped variances, pain points and a long list of opportunities to specific process steps, systems and activities.
  • Ways of working and organisational effectiveness assessment: From survey and interview findings, to inform opportunities.
  • Service effectiveness assessment: Assessing 11 services against the 14 principles of good service design, for service prioritisation.
  • Current state and strategic narrative for executives, calling out and testing key cultural issues (e.g. decision-making and training).
  • Sized opportunities: Referencing service usage volumetrics from recent system data and transactions (e.g. completed forms and time to complete).
  • Personas: for framing the ambition and for future design considerations.
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