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Cardiff and Vale - Strategic prioritisation

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Client Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Region UK
Sector Public Sector, Health and Not For Profit
Offering Organisation Change & Implementation

The Challenge

  • Following an operationally intense period, the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board executive team needed to support the organisation to refocus on delivering the UHB’s Shaping Our Future Wellbeing strategy for 2025
  • There were many different initiatives and projects, but a lack of clarity as to how they fit together, or whether they were delivering effectively
  • There was a lack of alignment around a single plan to execute the SOFW strategy
  • The UHB did not have the capability or capacity needed to deliver its strategic projects and also transform and recover services after the impact of COVID-19 
  • It did not have sufficient focus on developing our own leaders and had an over-reliance on consultancy

Our Approach

  • We undertook a diagnosis exercise, interviewing over 80 people in the UHB to confirm the need for strategic clarity, prioritisation and delivery resource
  • Commenced a series of strategic workshops with the executive team, running every other week
  • Supported the executive team to clarify the strategy and make it more easily measurable by developing an Outcomes Framework
  • Supported the executive team to identify a shortlist of key priority, cross-organisational  strategic programmes
  • Worked closely with the executive team to define their role in sponsoring the programmesand design a way of working and governance rhythm that would ensure their effectiveness
  • Supported the scoping and planning of these priority programmes, setting standards for their presentation of plans, timelines and benefits to the executive team
  • Began a practice of regular reporting on the priority programmes, providing transparency of delivery to the management executive team
  • Developed a proposal to expand programme delivery resource in the UHB in the best-value way, reducing reliance on external consultancy

Key Outcomes

  • From an original list of 40+ projects/programmes, a list of 9 clear strategic programmes have been confirmed by the executive team
  • The UHB’s programme delivery resource is being expanded, guided by a new Change Hub, a centre of excellence which is setting standards for programme delivery, providing tools, training and a common way of reporting progress
  • The expanded capability will support the 9 priorities to deliver our strategy and champion a culture of change leadership in the UHB
  • Strategy review sessions are now a regular feature for the management executive and the 9 priority programmes regularly report into these to assure of delivery
  • The Outcomes Framework is being developed and will measure progress against the SOFW strategy
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