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Future Operating State

HMRC – Future Operating State
Client HMRC
Region UK
Sector Public Sector, Health and Not For Profit
Offering Organisation Design
Strategy Vision

The Challenge

HMRC set an ambitious strategy and vision for the future of tax in 2030. Facing into an increasingly digital and data-enabled world, HMRC needed to prioritise and tackle areas of the organisation that were driving inefficiency, complexity, and exposure to risk. Q5 was asked to deliver an enterprise view of HMRC’s delivery in 2030, identifying the future capabilities and people skills required to achieve the 2030 vision and strategy.

Our Approach

The “Future Operating State” (FOS) work was approached in several parts: a strategy review, dissecting and assessing key aspects and differences from today; gap analysis of the current state compared to 2026 expectations; and end-to-end review, through different lenses including strategic measures, operating models and transformation programmes. Using the data gathered in the gap analysis, Q5 designed a simple tool to be used in analysis of future funding plans.

Key Outcomes

  • The FOS will be used in future Spending Review ideation and prioritisation, giving the ExCom an effective decision-making tool, as well as in communicating future changes
  • The HR Organisation Design team is using the FOS for building a future enterprise operating model for HMRC, testing assumptions, design principles, and defining future capacity and capability.
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