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Born Free

Client Born Free
Region UK
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The Challenge

Born Free is an international wildlife charity that’s passionate about wild animal welfare and conservation. They work tirelessly to ensure that all animals, whether living in captivity or in the wild, are treated with compassion and respect and are able to live according to their needs. 

Born Free approached Q5 for support with developing new income streams in response to the funding challenges posed by C-19, including establishing an affiliate partnership programme.

Our Approach

We ran two virtual workshops for Born Free which we used to review their core services and how they have been impacted by C-19. We carried out a stress test of their current income streams to identify opportunities to leverage and risks to mitigate, which we then put through a prioritisation framework. We facilitated an ‘idea generation’ exercise to identify new fundraising ideas and potential approaches for establishing an affiliate partnership model.

Key Outcomes

  • Our support provided Born Free with new perspectives and ideas for responding to the disruption caused by C-19. We provided external challenge to help with assessing viable options for growth in income and devised an action plan to take the affiliate programme idea forward.

What our clients say about us

“On behalf of Born Free I would like to thank Q5 for the consultancy workshops they have provided for us over the course of 2 days. We talked extensively about strategies to enhance the Born Free offering to our supporters, creating extra value and ways in which we can internally work more effectively and efficiently in troubling times for all.”

Hitesh Patel - Born Free Foundation, Head of Sustainable Partnerships
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